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Madder by the day

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Madder by the day Empty Madder by the day

Post  Kingy Thu Dec 23 2010, 05:39

Mad Colonic on the misery wrote:
They say this is interesting on CC . . .

Post The Colonel Today at 3:32 pm

(You have to be a member to view it)

But they are right: it IS interesting.

It shows how a certain clique of people can take over a board. It shows how a certain clique have inside information. It shows great similarity between the posting of a certain ginger female with another ginger female on another forum (who also uses the internet with their partner, likes motorbikes, knows so much detailed information for trolling purposes and has IPs in the right area - note how Kinghelfer posts something from Merseyside Very Happy which is all coincidence, I suppose . . .)

Also of interest is how DanMc participates in the mud-slinging but doesn't like to make it too obvious. Sounds a bit similar to RickB doesn't it? Of course, we all know they are the same person (he has never denied it) but why would he be at CC? Unless of course, he had friends there! (Note I say friends in plural, not the singular!)

What is also interesting is that because this thread is viewable only by members - you'd HAVE to be a member to post it at CC! Ooops guys! You're slipping! But this was predicted by me . . . they will try ANYTHING to try and save their backsides - even when it does so much to expose themselves!

Notice also how the very same day I posted a photograph of a living room, discussions took place on CC about the Refuge, Carrotgirl and Kinghelfer, despite the fact they are rarely mentioned. How rare is that? Why would they be relevant? Or are they . . . ?

Further, notice how CC is basically an "anti-Colonel" forum. Now, who had a group like that on FF? And who was in that group? Hmmmm........ a mystery isn't it.

Put the pieces together guys!

You're being fooled by a twat of a female and her dopey hubby-to-be. And as for your IPs . . . you know who they are being passed to . . . and it isn't me!!! Remember how the ginger minger has coffee mornings with FemaleAdmin. What a sad cunt. Sadder than Pissy even.

By the way, this isn't the full extent of the evidence we have. This doesn't even qualify as an introduction. You all wondered greatly about why Diamond Lights is co-operating with us. I wonder why?

By the way, the latest juicy information is that Carrotgirl and company have been trying to get Samuel Bronkowitz to "turn" away from the Ministry! Which, in true trollish fashion, would then give Carrotgirl/Mrs Roops control over FF, CC, SOC and the Ministry.

To the CC poster who said calling Mrs Roops Carrotgirl "wasn't very original", indeed, it is not. But I have proof, so you can shut up and start listening. The information above should be enough for any intelligent troll to realise that Roops and CG are very much the same.

really laugh really laugh really laugh really laugh really laugh really laugh


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Madder by the day Empty Re: Madder by the day

Post  Hunt Fri Dec 24 2010, 05:51



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